Is a project inspired by the original concept, Skull-A-Day created by the artist Noah Scalin, 2007.
I bought the hard book in US while studying at Full Sail, and I'm still a proud owner of that copy.
It inspired me for the Skullgrid video in 2010 as a digital artist for my graduation project.
Now, 13 years later, I pay tribute to his legacy idea by portraying a skull each day of the year in 2024.
It's a personal challenge and a resolution for the upcoming year.
It also serves the purpose of demystify any misconception about the skull symbolism.
I hope to follow the book success by providing credit rights and proof of collaborations.
Maybe, also bringing in open minded affiliates.
Yes, you're invited to participate, get in touch!
Let's share skull artworks in music!
Ps: You can use wetransfer to send your entry to me or post it on your channel and let me know!